How it works
1 - Choose your bread & pastries
You can either build your own box (6 or 10 credits) to get all your favorite products, ready-to-bake in your freezer!
2 - Choose your plan: subscription or one-time
You can either chose to get our products once, to try out, or you can enroll directly in a subscription:
Atome Bakery perks:
- Free custom baking pans for our bread
- Discounted price on subscription (Up to 21% off)
- No commitment: you can skip, manage and cancel whenever after receiving your first box
3 - Get delivered to your door
We are delivering across all western North America using an eco-friendly packaging and dry-ice to ensure the freshness of your product during transit!
4 - Enjoy fresh sourdough bread & artisan pastry at home!
In 30min and in any oven quality, you can bake yourself a crispy baguette directly from the freezer thanks to your Atome Pan. It will also brings a warm bakery scent to your home!